Emergency Dentistry in Redondo Beach

Dental emergencies can be scary. You may be in pain, worried about your tooth, and self- conscious about your appearance. You may even be unsure about how to proceed and protect your smile. Knowing you have someone upon whom you can rely in even the worst dental emergencies can bring you peace of mind. Our Redondo Beach emergency dentistry expert offers skilled services for virtually any dental emergency so that you can quickly be back on your way without pain or worry.
Not all dental problems are emergencies. Sometimes minor toothaches can occur as a result of a small amount of food or debris getting stuck along the gum line. Careful brushing, flossing, and rinsing may be enough to flush the item out of the area. A toothache that does not respond to conservative care and continues to worsen may indicate the presence of an abscess, which can be a dental emergency. Lost crowns and fillings, cracked or broken teeth, teeth that are dislodged from their positions, and teeth that are knocked out can all be considered dental emergencies. If you have a dental emergency, contacting our expert in emergency dentistry in Redondo Beach as soon as possible will help you stabilize your dental health, ease your pain, and may just save your tooth.
Emergency Dentistry Redondo Beach
Not all dental emergencies respond to the same treatments. Dental abscesses, severe decay, or fractured teeth may require endodontic treatment. This process may be started at your emergency appointment and completed with the application of a dental crown at a later appointment. Luxated, or dislodged, and knocked-out teeth may be repositioned and stabilized to promote healing. If you have an infection, you may be given antibiotics to help your body combat it. Our Redondo Beach emergency dentistry expert offers a range of treatments that can get you back to normal faster and reduce the risk of long-term damage associated with your dental emergency.
When you have a dental emergency, every minute counts. Call us today to schedule your emergency appointment with our expert in emergency dentistry in Redondo Beach.
To make an emergency appointment, call our office at 310-973-2600 or contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.